About Me

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I'm a musical gal from a musical family. I've been playing piano for 20 years and ringing bells for 18. I taught myself saxophone in Jr High, and have toyed around on other reed instruments. I'm in the process of teaching myself guitar. I was not a music major in college because I thought I would grow to hate music if I made it my profession, so I studied psychology instead. I'm now in the process of applying to a Master's degree program in music therapy (silly of me to not take music before, huh?). Music is in my heart and soul, and handbells definitely dominate my passion for music. I find something magical in holding a bell in my hand, and I'm in awe when a group of 13 people stands at a table and brings a set of bronze bells to life. I learned to play bells in elementary school, and I definitely believe that bells are great for young and budding musicians. It is my dream to start a music therapy program and community education program to bring bells and music to kids who might not have opportunities to experience how much fun music truly is.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Technique Practice with Annabelle

Watching Michéle Sharik's technique video and working on 4-i-H skills.

(For those who like making wisecracks, I'm working, Annabelle is just getting her picture taken so she could be in her first official post.)

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